I’m often asked what the difference is between what I’d do for a person treating them with physiotherapy compared to giving a person a FeldenkraisⓇ lesson. Usually when someone asks me this I’ll talk about the difference between: A therapeutic model (physiotherapy) and an educational model (Feldenkrais MethodⓇ) Treating a part to fix or correct something (physiotherapy) as opposed to educating the whole person in regards to movement patterns so they can function well in the world, … [Read more...]
Are You Letting Limiting Beliefs Sabotage Your Health & Well-Being?
Limiting beliefs make a deeply fulfilled, healthy life very difficult if not impossible. My first definition of health is somebody who is capable of realizing his or her un-avowed dreams.” ~Moshe Feldenkrais In a lecture Moshe Feldenkrais gave called “Self-fulfillment Through Organic Learning”, Feldenkrais did what he always did — he made abstract notions concrete. In speaking to the theme of self-fulfillment and looking to make it less abstract he started to clarify what the term … [Read more...]