Moshe Feldenkrais was ahead of his time in understanding the need to do less to learn to have quality movement. I call this the "Feldenkrais Less is More Rule". Before I get into that, let's talk posture for a second. One of the biggest challenges people I work with must overcome is their beliefs about good posture. Suffering pain, they are often doing everything they can to have “good posture”. What they often don't realize is that all that effort they're putting into having good … [Read more...]
Want Quality Movement? Learn the Less is More Rule
Overcoming beliefs about good posture is one of the biggest challenges to be overcome by people I see. Suffering pain, they are often doing everything they can to have “good posture”. What they often don't realize is that all that effort they're putting into having good posture is detrimental to having quality movement. There are two common misconceptions about posture I come across all the time. One is about the importance of good posture in relieving and preventing back pain. My … [Read more...]
How To Find the Power & Strength to Move with Grace & Ease, Even if You Have a Back Injury
Hard Questions He sure knew how to ask them. This guy was a thinker. He liked to project an air of confidence. And he seemed to like a good debate and an intellectual challenge. Rich* had an extensive background in movement and fitness based practices. He taught fitness classes at a studio I used to teach FeldenkraisⓇ lessons at. One day, finding me waiting in the reception area for my next client, Rich asked me about the work I did as a Feldenkrais practitioner. In particular, he wanted … [Read more...]