There are 3 way to work with me & Feldenkrais®:
- Private, hands-on lessons at my dedicated Feldenkrais® studio in south Winnipeg
- Awareness Through Movement® classes (Zoom classes are offered so you can join from anywhere in the world)
- Self-paced courses you can purchase through my store, or join my ongoing membership, The Movement Exploration Lab
1. Hands-on movement lessons called Functional IntegrationⓇ lessons:
These lessons allow you to receive very specific guidance to assist you with what most interests and/or challenges you. The lessons are tailored to meet your unique needs.
- Click here to learn more about Functional Integration lessons.
- Use my online booking calendar to request an appointment. Or contact me directly. I offer lessons at Sunyata Movement Studio and Prana Yoga Studio both in Winnipeg, MB.
Before going to see Gisèle I had extreme pain in my back and legs from sacro-iliac (SI) joint problems and bulging discs. I was at the point where I couldn’t sit for more than 15 minutes, and at night I would wake up every time I had to turn over. There was no position where my back and legs were comfortable – lying down, standing or even moving around was difficult. The tension in my back also caused headaches and neck pain. I was a mess.
The pain limited my life and sucked my energy and prevented me from doing the things that I wanted and loved doing. I was exhausted and very discouraged. I had tried physio, yoga, various other treatments and it all seemed to make it worse.
Then I tried the Feldenkrais Method Ⓡ with Gisèle.
Life is so much better since working with Gisèle. My back is a thousand times better. Not only am I able to return to the activities I love like taking my dogs for long walks and gardening, but also more adventurous things like travel, hiking, canoeing and camping. And I’m also so much more optimistic about growing older.
I feel like I’ve got my life back and that the future is hopeful.